
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Marketing Audience Question?

I am working on a marketing package packet. Check back soon for the link to the marketing package details.

Why are we marketing?
Marketing is something that we face in every club. Every year we are trying to recruit new members. In reality we market everything. Market the value of you the Toastmaster to your employer. They market your value to the teams. Ultimately, we seek to get the best out of each other. 

Have you mentioned Toastmasters to another person this week?  

Marketing is to be utilized to promote to business sponsors the story that communicates the value that we / Toastmasters bring to a potential business.  

If I had endless amounts of time and energy - and removal of the sense of dread I feel in having to go market face to face.  

I sit here and face my obstacles by taking action. This is truly the "Carving your Path" kinda moment. I tell myself that I just need to take things one step at a time.  
Today - that is coming to determine a fair market asking price for the business to 'get to' market to each of us.  

So here is my determination of how I am going to present you as an audience:
* Adults interested in personal growth.
* Finding connections and telling stories.
* Folks that invest into their ability to create results.
* Dedicated team and lifetime members.
* Several are first time attendees

What do you think of my description?  

My goal in this task:
I want the brander to see that we are in a happy place and therefore we are more open to purchases and imprinting.  I convey that we are people that enjoy quality in our lives.  If they feel that they offer items or products that speak to the audience then they are welcome to join us with a sponsor package that is just right for both of us.

Give me your feedback.

Did I manage to sway you to consider putting an effort to recruit a business that would consider supporting you, and your fellow Toastmasters buddies?

Would you being to print out the Letter of Request and leave it with the business? 

Are you willing to do follow ups on this letter?

This is similar to the ask when you reach out someone to come check out Toastmasters.  How often do you touch back with the person? Have you considered other ways to invite others?  

Perhaps we should ask ourselves similar questions - similar to the Moments of Truth questions?
How can we make the club/district better?
How can we have more fun?

When each of us serves a role in the club and brings our best and most engaged selves, we bring the gift of our diversity. We present ideas and energy toward the new perspective.  This is the greatest gift you can give to a friend. It is with this dedication that we all get to become better.

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